Monday, July 27, 2009

clean out your closets!

Clothing Swap Time! I will be hosting a clothing swap this Friday. I am a compulsive closet cleaner, although I usually donate to family in Mexico or Goodwill, with the way the economy is right now I figured even some of my "middle class" friends would enjoy a free outfit! Since I am such a bargain shopper, I never mind parting with my $5 finds. I assume I am pretty normal (Don't we all?) but my hubby is the opposite; He saves everything! He has clothes from when we met 10 years ago.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Just got back from our annual 3 day weekend in Yosemite. We had a blast, except the kids are old enough to stay awake the whole drive there, which means lots of "Are we there yet?" moments... Lots of walking, lots of picture taking, lots of lazing around in the creek :) good times...
Fashion was not at the top of my worries... but I did manage to not over/under pack, which is quite a feat.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


So.... Introductions are always uncomfortable. I always wonder if I'm talking about myself too much...

Well here goes, My name is Monica, I'm 23 and up until about a year ago, I had no sense of style... I still don't really know what I'm doing when it comes to fashion but I'm here to prove to you that I can be stylish, look good, and be a healthy size 12.

Now the reasons behind my blog name "Not Your Average Size 12". While watching "What Not To Wear" I heard Stacey say that the average size women in the US is a size 12. Being a size 12, I thought it was interesting, so I looked it up on the internet. I came across this:
saying that the average size women is a size 14...hmmm.... well I have never felt "average", shopping is a pain at size 12! This is the size that most clothing stores cut off their sizing and I don't fit into plus size clothing so I have always felt lost searching for clothes in this in-between size! I also came across this article:
giving the height and weight averages of women in the US. Guess what? These are my exact measurements! So this blog is for you fellow size 12ers! To the size the fashion industry ignores...